Sunday, January 4, 2009

Start everything anew!

Yes, 2009 is already here and we are all either trying to accomplish our new year resolutions or perhaps trying to get the list started.

As for us, we only had a few on our list and trying to get started on it is not so easy after all.

New Year Resolution #1:
Get a new job - Some of us know that I've joined another company and it's great to start the new year with! Some might oppose to what I've done since it's the economy downturn.

New Year Resolution #2:
Plan the wedding to be a blast - Just getting started on it. Though it may sound easy, it is actually not! We've been cracking our heads on the guests list and this is just only the beginning....

New Year Resolution #3:
Finish Tomb Raider Anniversary - Believe it or not, we're trying to finish it real quick. It definitely involves teamwork... yes, two brains are better than one!

New Year Resolution #4:
To earn more income - Like it or not, this has to be achieve before the second half of 2009

New Year Resolution #5:
To exercise every weekend - No more excuses since I am no longer working on Saturdays.

Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

if you need help in your wedding planning, let me know. just started freelancing as a wedding planner with a few friends :)

Pei Tze said...

hehe.. thanks for the offer.. i'm actually testing the water for this one cos i'm also planning to start my own freelance wedding planning next year.. so far, wedding plans have been okay since it's quite a spread out timeline :)