Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Gonna Be A Tight Fit

As it is, 3 months before my big day and I've gained a couple of pounds.
Not what I had been hoping for. I had been taking my weight for granted.

My dress had already been altered and I won't pay an additional RM150 just to get it altered again. By the way, that's how bridal shops rip you off.
But like they said in Bride Wars, "You don't alter Vera Wang's, you alter yourself to fit into it".

But in reality, that's how it is in relationships. When you have taken a relationship for granted, you 'd probably find yourself in the worst case scenario. When I say worst case, I mean involving the court & money.

Like Vera Wang's dress, you need to "alter" yourself. Maybe negligance was the root problem to most relationships. Or perhaps even, lack of communication between both parties.
At the end of the day, it takes two to make a relationship last.

And as for "lazy" me, I will be heading to the gym to shed off those pounds!